Jay C. Kao

Jay C. Kao

Assistant Professor

Loyola University Chicago


Welcome! My research centers on political communication, political behavior, and public opinion, with a regional on Greater China. I study how political information affects mass behavior and attitudes. For the academic year 2024. I’m a visiting fellow at the University of Chicago. You can find my CV here.


  • Political Communication
  • Public Opinion
  • Chinese Politics
  • Taiwanese Politics


  • PhD in Government, 2021

    University of Texas at Austin

  • MA in East Asian Studies, 2012

    National Chengchi University, Taiwan

  • BA in History, 2009

    National Chengchi University, Taiwan


Working Papers

“How the Pro-Beijing Media Influences Voters: Evidence from a Field Experiment”

“Ripples of Resistance? Chinese Public Opinion toward COVID Control”

(with Jiahua Yue and Nathan Cao)

“Racial Identities, Linguistic Proficiency, and Public Attitudes towards Immigrants: Evidence from Two Surveys in Taiwan”

(with Amy H. Liu) (R&R)

“Authoritarian Education and Liberalism? Evidence from China”

(with Kenny Miao)


PLSC 336: Chinese Politics

Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Fall 2023

PLSC 346: East Asian Politics

Spring 2024

PLSC 103: Introduction to Comparative Politics

AY 2021-2023, Spring 2024

Experimental Political Science

Summer 2022

Recommendation Letters

For students seeking a letter of recommendation from me for graduate school or fellowship applications, please initiate contact a minimum of three weeks prior to the application deadline. To facilitate the process, please provide me with relevant information, such as program description and your statement of purpose for the application. Your adherence to this timeline is expected for the timely completion of the recommendation letter
